SWALC Donates Art Supplies to Mobile Arc

SWALC collected art supplies for the Marc-Art Program of Mobile Arc, which offers art education programs for people with disabilities in Mobile County. Mobile Arc offers classes in painting, dance, martial arts, sculpting, and many more activities. Through cash donations and the items donated at the Christmas Party, the labor council were able to provide $500 in supplies. The supplies included a variety of mediums for artist of all skill level.
Thank you to everyone that gave including: Heat & Frost Insulators Local 55, Mobile Building & Contruction Trades Council, Communication Workers Local 3907. Rick Lambert, Eddie and Katrina Sellew, Kenny and Aimee Hayes, and Joan Hill.
ABOUT Mobile Arc: Mobile Arc was established in 1956 to respond to the needs of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. They provide services to over 300 people in Mobile County. Services are provided through Day programs at two locations, Employment Services at one location and residential programs throughout Mobile. Mobile Arc is a member of the Arc of Alabama, the Arc of the United States, and is a United Way of Southwest Alabama agency. Mobile Arc promotes and protects the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities by providing services and building relationships that encourage inclusion, participation, and engagement in the community.