United Mine Workers of America - UMWA
Today, the UMWA continues its primary role of speaking out on behalf of American coal miners. But it also has taken on an active international role by working to end apartheid in South Africa and by helping workers in the former Soviet Union and developing nations form democratic labor unions.
Local 1867 Local 1876 Local 2245 Local 2368
Local 2397 Local 2427
American Federation of Government Employees - AFGE
The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) is the largest federal employee union representing 600,000 federal and D.C. government workers nationwide and overseas. Workers in virtually all functions of government at every federal agency depend upon AFGE for legal representation, legislative advocacy, technical expertise and informational services.
Local 131
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers - IBEW
The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) represents approximately 725,000 members who work in a wide variety of fields, including utilities, construction, telecommunications, broadcasting, manufacturing, railroads and government. The IBEW has members in both the United States and Canada and stands out among the American unions in the AFL-CIO because it is among the largest and has members in so many skilled occupations.
Local 136 Local 841 Local 1053 Local 2362
United Association - UA
The United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada or "UA" as it is commonly known is a multi-craft union whose members are engaged in the fabrication, installation and servicing of piping systems. There are approximately 326,000 highly-skilled United Association members who belong to over 300 individual local unions across North America.
Local 372
United Auto Workers - UAW
The International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) is one of the largest and most diverse unions in North America, with members in virtually every sector of the economy. UAW-represented workplaces range from multinational corporations, small manufacturers and state and local governments to colleges and universities, hospitals and private non-profit organizations. The UAW has more than 390,000 active members and more than 600,000 retired members in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico.
Local 112 Local 2083-01 Local 2083-02 Local 2083-03
Local 2083-04 Local 2083-05
United Steelworkers - USW
United Steelworkers has 1.2 million active and retired members strong. You'll find us fighting for a better life for all workers in union halls, at the work place, in the courts and in legislatures. We're global, we're local and we're online.
Local 9-0297 Local 9-0594 Local 9-0719 Local 9-1441
Local 9-1444 Local 9-1835 Local 9361 Local 976L
Local 351L
West Alabama Retirees - WAR
Local chapter of the Alabama AFL-CIO Retirees Organization. This chapter includes retirees from all affiliated labor organizations in the ten (10) county area covered by the West Alabama Labor Council.
Local 166
Communication Workers of America - CWA
America's largest communications and media union, represents over 700,000 men and women in both private and public sectors, including over half a million workers who are building the Information Highway.
Local 3910 Local 3912 Local 3974
International Union of Electronic, Electrical, Salaried, Machine and Factory Workers - Communication Workers of America - IUE-CWA
As the Industrial Division of CWA, IUE-CWA represents a force of 150,000 active and retired men and women united collectively to seek dignity on the job and a secure future for ourselves, our children and all future generations.
Local 83693 Local 83793
United Students Against Sweatshops - USAS
The nation’s largest youth-led, student labor campaign organization, with affiliated locals on over 150 campuses. Since 1997, USAS has won precedent-setting campaigns, educated students about the growing dominance of corporations in the globalized economy, as well as the intersectionality of identity and social justice issues with the labor movement, and has trained tens of thousands of young activists to become skilled organizers, researchers, and campaigners in labor and social justice organizations.
Local 144